Ep. 27 Why Do We Fear Our Spiritual Gifts?
Our Spiritual gifts are our responsibility to cultivate, harness, and share within our communities, families, etc. Oftentimes we choose to not share these gifts with the world due to various factors. […]
Ep. 26 Embodying the BOLDEST Version of you!
What does being bold mean to you? In this episode, we explore what it means to truly be bold and how we can create and imagine through the lens of […]
Ep. 25 Is Fashion Spiritual?
Is the art of fashion a spiritual devotion? What does it mean to fully and completely show up as your authentic self through creative expression? I answer these questions and […]
Ep. 24 Living In Alignment & Why We Fall Out of Alignment
When we’re living out alignment, it may feel like trudging through mud, it’s dense, heavy, and it feels like you’re getting nowhere. When we’re in alignment, opportunities appear out of […]
Ep. 23 How I Used the “Act As If” Technique to Manifest a Magazine Cover
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction have become such buzz words in spirituality, they lend to the idea that we create our realities through the thoughts we think and the […]
Ep. 22 11 Reasons Why I’m glad I don’t Drink
In Ep. 22 11 Reasons Why I’m glad I don’t Drink, our host, Melissa Ketchum, shares the reasons why she’s chosen sobriety. Some of these reasons may surprise you! If […]
Ep. 21 My Sober Awakening ft. KISS
In Ep. 21 My Sober Awakening ft. KISS, our host, Melissa Ketchum, shares the experience that kicked off her sobriety. This is a relatable and raw retelling of the moment […]
Ep. 20 Usui Holy Fire Reiki, The Benefits & Origin
In Episode 20 Usui Holy Fire Reiki, The Benefits & Origin, your host, Melissa Ketchum explains her experience as a Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master. She details the origin, the […]